Friends of the Farm were kindly nominated for a
volunteer award from our Local Board.
It was a real honour to be recognised for the work
we’re doing in Mangere Bridge.
It’s award night
Justine, Frances and I head off to the Otahuhu
Community Town Hall, not really knowing what to expect.
We were pleasantly surprised to see so many local
Mangere Bridge faces, who contribute to our community in many different ways.
It’s award night
All the guests were serenaded and snacked, greeted and
thanked sincerely by Board members.
The MC for the evening was humbled by the efforts of
community as he read out the awards and what they were for.
It’s award night
Our award was recognition, a certificate and three wee
Kowhai Trees.
As these trees grow, so will our volunteering
efforts and the group of volunteers taking care of Our Patch!