Our vision at Friends of the Farm is to be
a caring, connected, wastewise community so it’s important to ensure that our
elderly don’t get left out when it comes to planning events in the community. On
24 June we hosted another successful Mid-Winter Christmas Dinner for the
residents at Bridge Court, the local Housing for the Elderly complex. Our members were kept busy during the
preceding weeks getting the food together to put on a roast dinner for 30
people. Invitations were delivered to all the units and followed up with phones calls.
Doors opened at 2.30pm sharp and there was
a steady flow of residents. We started
with afternoon tea and games and there was lots of chatter and laughter as
people learned new games and got to know neighbours that they’d never actually
talked to before. With 72 units,
residents generally only know those in their own block but not from the wider
complex. Kaumatua Hauraki Ngawaka, who opened the event with a welcome and
karakia, made mention of this and thanked Friends of the Farm for providing
this opportunity.
It takes a team to put on a successful
event like this and we’re thankful to all those who arrived to either help
unload or reload cars, keeping food warm and serving it and helping with the
clean-up at the end. We went home exhausted, but the happy smiles on the
resident’s faces will make sure this event will be included in the annual Friends
of the Farm planning calendar.
Written by
Denise and Carol-Anne
Denise and Carol-Anne