Despite the cold, wet weather on the day there was a good turnout of Bridge Court residents for this twice-yearly event run recently by Friends of the Farm.
Some residents just popped in for a quick cuppa and others enjoyed learning new games and establishing friendships with fellow residents they hadn't met before. With 72 units, and just like any other neighbourhood, they tend to know only those who live near them.
There was lots of fun and laughter throughout the afternoon especially when Carol-Anne Armitage introduced her selfie stick to take some photos. Cheese and crackers and the scones baked by Denise Balmain went down a treat, and residents are already looking forward to the next event!
Written by Denise and Carol-Anne
Friends of the Farm would like to say a special thanks to Carol-Anne, soon to depart from Auckland, for all the time and effort she's put into making these events happen at Bridge Court. Her excellent organisational and networking skills, and her selfie stick, will be greatly missed!